Thank you so much for this. I'm reading many newsletters today - my preferred way of taking in thoughtful information by brilliant people - and yours struck me the most deeply. I think it's because you speak with authority about Kentucky, something I didn't know about you. You place the choice of Vance within a theoretical and actual framework I simply had no idea about. "How America uses the poor for gain" indeed.

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Thanks Kirie. It's a tale that goes back in my family line, and in the invention of whiteness, and it's certainly in enlightening books like How The Irish Became White, by Noel Ignatiev. Project 25, consciously or not, is pulling from these same strategies that pitted us against each other. I am thinking, along with a number of friends and family all over America, about what it is to build a place anew. How might we avoid the tendencies within us not to use the poor for gain? How might we expand our notions of liberty and freedom for all?

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